// syntax
let obj = {
get propName() {
// getter, the code executed on getting obj.propName
set propName(value) {
// setter, the code executed on setting obj.propName = value
// 用已有的資料添加 fullName 屬性
let user = {
name: "John",
surname: "Smith",
get fullName() {
return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`;
alert(user.fullName); // John Smith
// 不用函式的方式呼叫 get,使用一般屬性呼叫得到值
// 改變 fullName 的值,要用 set
let user = {
name: "John",
surname: "Smith",
get fullName() {
return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`;
set fullName(value) {
[this.name, this.surname] = value.split(" ");
// set fullName is executed with the given value.
user.fullName = "Alice Cooper";
alert(user.name); // Alice
alert(user.surname); // Cooper
// 一個屬性只能有一個類型,如果屬性用 get、set 定義,就不是資料屬性。
// If there’s a getter – we can read object.prop, otherwise we can’t.
// If there’s a setter – we can set object.prop=..., otherwise we can’t.
// 我們不能刪除訪問屬性
Accessor descriptors
訪問屬性沒有 value、writable。
get – a function without arguments, that works when a property is read,
set – a function with one argument, that is called when the property is set,
let user = {
get name() {
return this._name;
set name(value) {
if (value.length < 4) {
alert("Name is too short, need at least 4 characters");
this._name = value;
user.name = "Pete";
alert(user.name); // Pete
user.name = ""; // Name is too short...
Using for compatibility
// 原本儲存了 name、age 屬性
function User(name, age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
let john = new User("John", 25);
alert( john.age ); // 25
// 現在改儲存 name、birthday 屬性
function User(name, birthday) {
this.name = name;
this.birthday = birthday;
let john = new User("John", new Date(1992, 6, 1));
// 舊的 age 屬性可以做改寫,符合我們的使用
function User(name, birthday) {
this.name = name;
this.birthday = birthday;
// age is calculated from the current date and birthday
Object.defineProperty(this, "age", {
get() {
let todayYear = new Date().getFullYear();
return todayYear - this.birthday.getFullYear();
let john = new User("John", new Date(1992, 6, 1));
alert( john.birthday ); // birthday is available
alert( john.age ); // ...as well as the age